Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Write something up...

 I'm really enjoying this magnificent guitar players on noisey guitar moves and it just taking a really long time to upload. So I figure I will write something up; something incoherent.
 Monkey and cockroach were hanging at the players pub with their galactic friend chocho the silver donkey. Mr. Piranha comes up and asks monkey (whish is really an horangutan gorilla mix) have you seen the kcaj at Memphis drive. Monkey does not understand what the hell he is asking so Mr. Piranha explains himself. Yeah kcaj: the  killer Capricorn albino johansen. Cockroach comes close and slaps him on the face, and with a very serious look in his yes, tells Mr. Piranha in a really deep voice: You do not talk about kcaj. Monkey gets up from his ventilated seat and starts walking towards the door. He turns around to checkout Dr. Guillas bass drum (it's made of a turtle shell and covered in crocodile skin, that flaky look also makes an awesome sound that only grasshoppers can hear). He says goodbye with a greedy smile to his comrades and throws a quarter to keep on playing. Before he walks through the door . . . kcaj walks in (dead silence, except for the guitar player who is too stoned to realize it is not his solo part). kcaj orders his favorite drink (a mixture of tequila, whisky, rockstar with a splash of lime and salted rim; his a fancy mother fucker), he walks in front of Mr. Piranha and asks him for a cigarette. Mr. Piranha offers a martian cohiba (a combination of weed, tabbacco, cocaine and moisted seal with lsd). kcaj declines and continues to drink his cocktail. Nothing satisfy does around him until he leaves. He decides to end this bad reputation, towards the guitar there is a pic. He joins the band by playing a horrendous tune, so terrible the ears of the deaf start to bleed. He grabs the microphone and says: this is what all your comments and bad vibes brings to one conscious, that is why you do not go poisoning the well. I am not ckaj. I am Jack and I am alright. He plays this beautiful song that all the men and women fall in love with him, all the men and women want to be like him. His true self has emerged. He slowly removes his guitar and walks away. Jacks days was never the same.
 ...moral of the story is don't do drugs and don't talk shit about people you don't know. hahaha!

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