Saturday, October 12, 2013

Moving Forward

Ok, I gotta start writing.
 I've been all over the place mentally trying to figure out my next move. It's funny how you can imagine something so easily and vividly and make it seem so easy and then reality hits ... not bad nor good, but it's there to challenge you just to see if you really want it. My lease is over on 10/20 and I want a house (see first post), and as of right now I have no money (selling my motorcycles to get rent and deposit) also I don't have a job and really don't want one (but, I have been looking online as a desperate act in car sales or banking). I probably get a car sales job since they are always hiring and also make it more possible to get a house (1 year or more in car sales), lenders and rent agencies like to see some good employment history or at least in the same field. Plus most car dealerships pays you a guarantee for 1-3 months (around $2K) that will help me with some bills while I get established. So ... Work regular 8 hour job and start part time business. The easiest thing to start (and I always wanted) is a T-shirt company Plus I'll keep doing some custom chopper bobbers on nights and weekends. Work 9-5pm normal job (or in car sales hours either 8-5pm or 12-8pm) and part time business nights (8-12pm) and weekends.
 I got some pretty good ideas just looking around Kickstarter, Etsy and Shopify. So if you are stuck, not getting any ideas, start looking through some good websites. Also don't glue yourself to the computer, go out. At least go to the gym and do some exercise, I don't know exactly how it works but it helps you clear your mind. Try eating healthy: simple as not eating fast food and soda (buy a slow cooker: put chicken with tomato juice one night, next night put some beans; you have meal for 5 days, effortless and healthy). Plus drink/eat lots of Protein (protein shakes are easy and fast).
 Keep changing and don't ever get comfortable. Let's keep moving forward.

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