Sunday, October 13, 2013

debt free project

 I decided to start a T-shirt company, which is more like a personal project. The idea is to create a stream of income to payoff my bad debt in a year or less. It is around $8K divided by 12 months = $666.66 <== the number of the beast!
 The goal of the project is to create T-shirt company that gives you financial education. In that way you are not only using a shirt to remind you of financial education is very important, but to also inform other people by using it. Wear it for a walk, go to church, motorcycle ride, concert ... and you never know who you can inspire. Maybe reading that quote inspires them to look into a that quote or author. Make an important decision ... etc.
 By the way , the shirts are pretty simple. Front would be logo, something like this:
And some financial quote on the back:
                                                           "A part of all you earn is yours to keep"
                                                                                            George S. Clason

Something simple like that. Get some quotes from all the best people in finance and advertise them for free (they will get recognized and will get exposure to more people).  Now I should probably get an attorney to get some advice on copyright, trademarks etc. Also ask the author for permission to print. But for now I will start printing a couple just to start the whole process and start fixing or tweaking as I go, maybe change from quotes to simple designs about financial education. Just like riding a bike or being in water, you go along and make corrections as you move along.
 Why would I give my ideas to the world? Can somebody steal them? They are just T-shirts and I am not saving the world. So, why not? Would you buy a shirt like this?
 Things I also considered were give some kind of donation, something like 10% to buy books (financial books and self help and sales) and give to public libraries. I remember when I did not have access to the internet I would go to the library and at that time I was very interested in knowing everything there was to know about sales (I was about to start car sales job and in my past experience in car sales is that they do not train you that much: 3-5 days basic training and hit the floor: sink or swim) and I found Grant Cardone's audiobook The 10X rule (great book by the way) and also found Napoleon Hill's book The Law of Success (awesome book). Those 2 books really helped me in my development so in a way I want to give back to the community. There are so many ways you can influence people, kinda like teaching them how to fish and not just giving them the fish.

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