Monday, January 9, 2017

Online Marketing Classroom

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 - NEWSFLASH : - Getting traffic from SEO is great but if you want to earn serious money
by going beyond just SEO, then here's...

 " Every Trick and Tool that Took Me to Half
a Million Dollars a Month in Online Sales... "

Plus : How I went from having $90,000 in debt to $100,000
in cash by the end of my first year in business

From the desk of Aidan Booth
Buenos Aires
 Dear Friend,
Let's cut right to the chase -- no matter whether you are starting an online venture or already
have an established business, there are three critical components you need in place in order
to stand any chance of success. And they are...

See, the reality is that no matter what you are doing... if you have an effective roadmap that
allows you to master strategy, traffic and conversions, then you WILL make money, and
lots of it - EVERY SINGLE TIME.

But unfortunately most people struggle to build their businesses because they FAIL at one,
two or even all three of these components. Here are some common reasons why...
People tend to ignore strategy and focus on random marketing 'tactics'.
But tactics without strategy will lead you to a dead-end.
Rather than trying to achieve an automated flow of everlasting website
traffic, people tend to look for temporary pockets of fast exposure.
Too many people disregard conversions... but without a solid conversion
plan in place, any traffic you get will ultimately translate into ZERO profit.

...So if you are unsure as to where you are going wrong, or can't work out why you're not

consistently increasing your income each month, I'm willing to bet that issues with strategy,
traffic and conversions are very likely the cause.

Why I know financial rewards can
been seen exceptionaly fast 

Believe me, I know this for a FACT.

Let's roll back the clock 10 years for a moment, and I'll tell you exactly why...
I still remember the endless nights that I would work on my Internet business, burning the
midnight oil until the early hours of the morning.

Every day would be the same grind... I would be working until 2 or 3am... then go to sleep...
then get up a few hours later to do a little more work... then go to my full-time job... then
get back home, and start all over again. It was absolutely brutal to be perfectly honest -
perhaps you can relate?

I was trying absolutely everything I could to make money...

Auctioning digital memory cards on selling flowers online building numerous

Adsense sites to make a few bucks.... I even launched a directory listing "Tango dancing
classes" and tried to earn cash from selling paid ad placements!

Mix that in with a number of MLM's and "business opportunities", I basically attempted

everything there was in order to make ends meet.

Even though I was generating pockets of income, essentially I was flailing about, jumping

from one opportunity to another, desperately trying to find the magic bullet that would
make me my fortune.

...but unfortunately this magic bullet continued to evade me. And did so for a number

of years.

In fact, it got so bad, I ended up $90,000 in debt, was forced to drive a beat up Fort Laser

...and lived in a miniscule apartment with no wallpaper or carpets!
But I perservered, knowing that eventually something had to change, if I kept on pushing.

And, finally it did 3 years later... at precisely 2.24pm on the 27th October 2008.
By random chance I ran across an online business training membership which was run
by Steve Clayton.

I was a little hesitant to join at first because up until that point, I had wasted a ludicrous
amount of money on information products - and they clearly hadn't done me any good at all!

But something felt different about this, and after some contemplation, I decided to give
it a try and join.

Boy am I glad I did!

In fact...

Literally within 10 minutes of becoming a member and after watching the introductory
video, I finally understood where I had been going wrong for all those years...

...But better than that, not only was it made clear to me what I had been doing incorrectly,

I was given a direct path out of the darkness and into the light.

I was given a real plan, with a defined structure and a PROVEN way forward.

This was the point at which my days of near-fruitless experimentation was thankfully

at an end.

In the coming weeks and months, my online earnings took a DRAMATIC turn for the best,
and within a remarkably short time...

Not only so, things continued on the up, and soon enough I was able to quit my day job

and proceeded to travel round the world  (whilst continuing to run my internet business
from a laptop).

Finally I was where I wanted to be. In just 12 months, I went from impending disaster to

...and again, that was 100% down to the help of the training, tools and community in
Steve's membership program.

If I had not stumbled across it, god knows where I would be now.
See, as I discovered, when you have the right plan, have the right focus and are aided with
support and coaching from people who have been there and have done it all before,
there is no limit to what is possible.

And I'm living proof of this.
My business continued to grow to 7 figures per year and I actually ended up merging my
business with Steve's business in 2013.

Last year our business generated almost $7 million dollars - and just take a look at
some of the recent results we have had from our various online businesses...
Now, here is the good news...

That membership program that I joined
all those years ago,
still exists today.

In fact, I have been running it and building it up with Steve for the past 3 years, and I want to
tell you a little bit about it today.


For More Information Click Here!

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