Saturday, January 21, 2017

The BTMA Wealth Builders Club

Attention Stock Investors...
If you can wake up 15 minutes before the stock market opens and check your email, then you can consistently make safe & profitable returns without wasting hours of time doing unwarranted analysis on profitless stocks.
Play Golf, Spend Time With Your Family Or Just Relax With All Of Your Extra Time While Your Stock Investments Automatically Compound To Snowball Your Nest Egg.

Let's face it. You're probably here because you aren't satisfied with your stock returns.
Are you tired of getting some "hot tips" on the newest stock trend and later watching as its price tanks?
Maybe you're having a hard time controlling your emotions when investing and you often buy or sell on impulses and "gut feelings".
Do you waste countless hours researching individual companies and doing analysis only to find out that this company is a dud?
Do you constantly struggle with when to enter and exit your trades?
Have you often questioned yourself as to whether you bought the right stock?
If you've tried many strategies and methods of stock investing without consistent results, then read on...

As you will see, not so long ago I was facing the same problems as you.
Years ago, I was doing what 99% of small time investors are still doing today. I employed the services of a financial advisor and he quickly recited some generic questions about my age, and risk level then like greased lightning, stuck my hard-earned money into one of these cookie-cutter mutual funds.
Months and years ticked away, and I would occasionally receive these financial statements with some fancy pie charts and confusing jargon about my holdings and gains/losses.
Then at the end of the year, I would get a letter telling me in so many excuses why my investments didn't profit as well as they should have. BUT the letter always ended with some empty promises of how the next year was going to bring about great prosperity.

After a few years, I came across a chart of how much the S&P 500 made. When I finally decided to see how my investments had been doing all these years, I discovered that my overall return wasn't even a decent fraction of the S&P 500's return during the same period.
To make matters even worse, when I began reading the fine print and asking my financial advisor the important questions about trade fees, maintenance fees, and other hidden fees, I found out that after all these years, I had barely broken even with roughly 0% return.
When I started looking for other financial advisors to invest my money with, I began asking them more detailed questions like:
"What fees do you charge, including hidden fees?"
"What do you personally invest in?"
"What has your personal return been within 1, 5, 10 years?"
What I found out was shocking at the time!
First, the fees of using these financial advisors were huge! I was being charged $40 every time I bought or sold a security! Meanwhile, I found out that I could easily buy stocks online for around $10 or less per trade.
Secondly, I want you to guess what these financial advisors were personally investing in and how much in returns they were making…
Well, the truth is that not a single financial advisor was willing to talk with me about what they were holding in their portfolios or even give me an idea of what their returns were.
Call me crazy, but if I'm paying you money to invest my life's savings, I want to at least have an idea if you have a clue about what you're preaching.
In the same way that I would never hire a lazy, out-of-shape personal trainer, I would never again want to hire a financial advisor without seeing the shape of their portfolio!
After refusing to provide any info about their personal returns, some of these financial advisors had the boastfulness to rattle off their academic credentials or about how smart they considered themselves.
However, I wasn't buying it. As we all know, when it comes to investments, your academic credentials don't mean squat.
As Warren Buffett has said:
"You don’t need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ."
And speaking of Buffett…
I asked myself a very important question at this time that would totally change the way I invested.
The question I asked myself was:
"Who is the most qualified person that I could learn about stock investing from?"
If you're searching for the most successful investors of all time, it won't be long before you come across Warren Buffett's name in the Google search.

So at that moment, years ago, I ditched the thought of handing over my hard-earned money to some unproven overpriced financial advisor, and I decided to take control of my own finances by following the strategies of someone with undeniably proven success.
One of the most valuable lessons that I learned in life was this: "If you want to learn how to do something successfully, then you find someone who is already doing it successfully and you mirror them."
I dedicated months and then years to learning everything that I could from Warren Buffett's books, quotes, interviews, portfolio holdings, and annual reports.
I learned much about Value Investing and about Buffett's mentor - the "Father of Value Investing", Benjamin Graham. I've read and listened to an audiobook of his "Investing Bible" entitled The Intelligent Investor countless times.
Instead of trying to complicate my investing strategies. I decided to forget about all of the stock market hype that I saw in the media and on the Internet.
From now on, my only sources of info would come from Buffett and Graham and their common-sense investment strategies of "Value Investing".

I ended up simply copying the steps that they took in analyzing stocks. Eventually, after 1 full year of implementing their strategies and of staying up until 3am just about every night, I finally completed a fully-functional value investing stock spreadsheet that would automatically analyze any U.S. traded stock according to Buffett and Graham's most essential analysis criteria.
But throughout the entire process, I needed to test my system to make sure that it actually worked and that I wouldn't lose all of my money!

To get More Information and Tips on Investing Click Here!

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