Monday, December 26, 2016

National Geographic Photo of the Day: December 26th of 2016

Picture of a crocodile underwater, Gardens of the Queen, Cuba

December 26, 2016Underwater OasisAn American crocodile rises from the grassy seabed to explore the vast Gardens of the Queen marine reserve off the coast of Cuba. “This croc came under our boat to check whether [our] crew could share something delicious with him,” photographer Dmitry Starostenkov concludes. “I quickly got on my wet suit and mask to pursue him for the … photo shoot. I was dubious, however I [overcame] my fear and slowly approached.” Read the November 2016 National Geographic feature article “Cuba’s Underwater Jewels Are in Tourism’s Path” to find out how Gardens of the Queen could be affected by an influx of travelers to Cuba.

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