Friday, December 16, 2016

CB Passive Income

You see, I’ve been using a proven way of making money online in the “internet marketing niche” and I’m really pleased to announce that it has been highly profitable. Not only that, it’s also currently generating auto-pilot income for me.

Here’s exactly what I did, and that you can copy down to a tee:

I’ve developed a powerful marketing software to make money from the internet and created a new membership. But instead of selling them to customers, the software and training course are given away for free via a “secret web page” that I’ve created (not available from any of my official websites).

Now, when they requested for the software and became my new subscribers, I’ll continue to send them valuable reports for free. But found in each of the emails sent, there will be a promotion of an affiliate program where I’ll be able to make affiliate commission. And some times, I’ll send them product recommendations to buy too.

The products promoted are from, mainly because nowadays, Clickbank only approves legitimate products into their affiliate program marketplace. This way, I know I’m promoting only GOOD PRODUCTS and adding value to my subscribers. Secondly, the typical commission percentage for a Clickbank product is around 50%!
For More Information:

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