Sunday, February 26, 2017

Strength and Muscle

Ever notice that when you’re strongest, your physique looks its best?

How I achieved a 2.5x bodyweight deadlift
How I finally achieved a 2.5x bodyweight deadlift
The stronger you are at a certain body weight, the more muscle you’re going to carry. And more muscle at a given body weight means less fat. Less fat means more definition. You need a program that’ll boost your strength as quickly as possible. Look no further, 2 x 4 is the ultimate program for maximum strength and muscle.
How do I know? For 6 years, I’d been struggling to reach a 600 lb deadlift. I was so close, but I could never close the gap. 2 x 4 enabled me to finally achieve this feat. My colleagues who tested out the program saw the same transformations, noticing rapid strength gains and improvements in body composition, aesthetics, and self-confidence. You deserve to experience the same rewards from your training.

For More Information Click Here!

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