Thursday, March 6, 2014

National Geographic Photo of the Day: March 6th of 2014

Holy Water

March 6, 2014
Picture of Pushkar Lake in India
March 6, 2014

Holy Water

Photograph by Giancarlo Zuccarone, National Geographic Your Shot
“Pushkar Lake is situated in the heart of town,” says Your Shot member Giancarlo Zuccarone, who submitted this photo to the I Heart My City assignment. “The waters of this lake possess a spiritual quality for Hindu people. Many Hindu pilgrims come here from every part of India every day.” Zuccarone had been spending the day shooting portraits of sadhus and decided to capture the atmosphere around the sacred lake. “I remember the sky was clear and the sun shone on everything—a moment of a lifetime.”
This photo was submitted to Your Shot. Check out the new and improved website, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

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