Monday, March 24, 2014

National Geographic Photo of the Day: March 23rd of 2014

The Other Underground

March 23, 2014
Picture of a man standing in an underground river tunnel in London
March 23, 2014

The Other Underground

Photograph by Mike Deere, National Geographic Your Shot
"I've long held a fascination with unseen spaces, and when I first heard about the vast number of lost rivers in London, it really piqued my interest," says Your Shot contributor Mike Deere, whose photo was selected for the Daily Dozen. "While researching, I came across a very small subculture with similar interests to my own, a small band of curious individuals excited to see the hidden depths that exist so close to our everyday lives but remain all but forgotten."
Deere captured this photo at the junction between the River Westbourne, which was assimilated into the London sewer network during its construction in the 19th century, and the Ranelagh Storm Relief Sewer.
"With lighting options very limited in the narrow, pitch-black tunnels, I opted for backlighting to highlight the shape of the space and the texture of the Victorian brickwork," Deere says.
This photo was submitted to Your Shot. Check out the new and improved website, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

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