Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Stop Planning and Land


 I think I am starting to think differently, I can feel it. More positive and more energy. I already ran out of money and I spent my last dollars creating a business (a mobile car wash -nothing fancy, just a bucket and a water jug). Now is the time when I decide to stop working for somebody else and start making my own money. I said my goal for next year was to NOT work for somebody else, but Why Wait?  Let's start doing the things we can today, live day by day. You want to lose some weight, quit smoking ... start walking today or join a gym, stop buying cigarretes and either replace them for some nicotine patch, gum or if you really can't handle it - start using those e-cigarretes, at least you will get your taste pallet back and be able to smell things again - but the best way is to go cold turkey.
 This writing is to stop procrastinating or stop thinking all the things you can do but never DO. I have this really bad habit of thinking I am awesome all the time, therefore all my business ideas will make me millions. but in all reality I have never tried those ideas or materialize them, never even tested them. So, as of today I will start DOING the things I plan and hope for the best. Have an awesome day and keep being awesome because you are.

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