Sunday, May 31, 2015

National Geographic Photo of the Day: May 31st of 2015

Picture of white rhinos at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Uganda
May 31, 2015

The Power of Few

Photograph by Stefane Berube, National Geographic Your Shot
“The night before this photo, we tried all day to get a good photo of the endangered white rhino,” writes Your Shot member Stefane Berube, who captured this shot at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary in Uganda. “Skulking through the grass carefully, trying to stay 30 feet away to be safe, didn't provide me the photo I was hoping for. In the morning, however, I woke up to all three rhinos grazing in front of me.” Berube used a 50mm lens rather than a wide-angle lens or telephoto “because of its sharpness and similarity to how our eyes perceive depth in real life.”

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