Thursday, March 19, 2015

National Geographic Photo of the Day: March 18th of 2015

Picture of a Sally Lightfoot crab riding on the back of an iguana in the Galapagos
March 18, 2015

Crabbing a Ride

Photograph by Nancy Leigh, National Geographic Your Shot
"The setting was very eerie,” writes Your Shot member Nancy Leigh. “In the darkness [of] an overcast early morning, there was a large gathering of black juvenile iguanas on the rocks of Punta Espinoza on Fernandina Island in the Galápagos.” While completely surrounded by iguanas, Leigh spotted a bright-red Sally Lightfoot crab climbing onto one of the lizards. “It was a delicate balance ... acting fast to capture the moment while respecting their space and not disturbing either animal," she says.

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