Saturday, February 28, 2015

National Geographic Photo of the Day: February 28th of 2015

Picture of a pronking springbok in Mountain Zebra National Park, South Africa
February 28, 2015

Pronking Springbok

Photograph by Charles Jorgensen, National Geographic Your Shot
“I was on vacation in an area of South Africa where springbok are quite common, and I had a goal of capturing this behavior, called pronking,” writes Charles Jorgensen, a member of our Your Shot community. “On a self-drive safari in Mountain Zebra National Park, we found a plateau that attracted many herds of springbok, among other animals. After a few failed attempts at getting the shot, I came across a small herd. They started running, and one of them started to pronk, jumping to amazing heights. I fired away and managed to capture this animal in its acrobatic display.”

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