Monday, April 14, 2014

National Geographic Photo of the Day: April 14th of 2014

In a Fog

April 14, 2014
Picture of boats on a river in Serbia
April 14, 2014

In a Fog

Photograph by Antic Zlatko, National Geographic Your Shot
“I always say that the best things happen unexpectedly and spontaneously,” says Antic Zlatko, a member of our Your Shot community who captured this scene on the Tamiš River near his home in Pančevo, Serbia. “It was taken on a cold winter day, but the ambience was magic—the cold afternoon with the fog and the sun [shining] over it. I saw this through the window and had afterward gone on a walk with my kids. I made a few shots but I think this one shows the true ambience.”
Zlatko’s picture was featured in the Your Shot Daily Dozen.
This photo was submitted to Your Shot. Check out the new and improved website, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

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