Friday, January 31, 2014

National Geographic Photo of the Day: January 31st of 2014

The Sunflower

January 31, 2014
Picture of ocean jasper as viewed under a microscope
January 31, 2014

The Sunflower

Photograph by Bernardo Cesare, National Geographic Your Shot
Your Shot community member Bernardo Cesare counts this submission, a photomicrograph of an ocean jasper from Madagascar, among his favorites. Cesare had put thin sections of jasper under a microscope, and "They turned out to contain a microscopic garden of flowers," he says. This shot was "by many named the Sunflower."
Read more about the process of creating this image in a recent Your Shot: Spotlight interview with Cesare.
This photo was submitted to Your Shot. Check out the new and improved website, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

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